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為什麼乞丐懷裡的孩子 都在睡覺? 附上連結的文章裡 寫的是一個記者 他因為看見路上被乞丐抱著的孩子 很反常的睡了一整天而覺得奇怪 通常在這樣年紀的孩子 會頻繁的起床 活動 吃飯 睡...

《金挑禧選 Picky Chin Hsi》中秋與拉法葉 Moon festival with gallery Lafayette 今年的中秋非常特別,遇到巴黎黑色星期五,來了個非常法式幽默的地鐵大罷工,沒有公車、沒有地鐵、巴黎市區大塞車、uber不願載客、家附近沒有手推車,費盡了千辛萬苦才到達市區。 但,開心的是認識了許多新朋友,與巴黎拉法葉百貨一起慶中秋。 貼心的她們準備了我思念已久的月餅禮盒,還能親手自己製作瓶景栽,我應景製作了個中秋瓶景栽,一家四口的概念。 對了對了!還有免費的香草植物在masion館2樓等你去拿!只到這個星期天!可別錯過囉! 再次感謝拉法葉邀約,讓我開心的過了一個圓滿的中秋。 This year's Mid-Autumn Festival is very special. I met a very French-style subway strike in Paris on Black Friday. There is no bus, no subway, Paris is traffic everywhere, uber is not willing to carry passengers, there is no trolley near the house, and it takes a lot of hard work to arrived in the city, but I was happy to meet many new friends and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with Lafayette in Paris. They prepared the moon cake gift box that I have long thought of, and I can make my own bottle of flowers. Produced a Mid-Autumn Festival bottle plant, a family of four concepts. Oh by the way! There is also a free herb plant waiting for you on the 2nd floor of the masion building! Only till this Sunday! Don't miss it! Thanks again to @galerieslafayette for inviting me to have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

《金挑禧選 Picky Chin Hsi》中秋與拉法葉 Moon festival with gal...